One to Remember

This might be the last Christmas those of us in the United States celebrate as a free country. I'm guessing a lot of you think that's hyperbole. I really wish I thought so, as well. But the fact of the matter is the voters of this country were just presented with the easiest citizenship test in the nation's history and somehow failed so hard we're on the cusp of literal authoritarianism. None of this is set in stone. The people taking power are notoriously bad at everything, so there's a chance they'll screw this up, as well. Alternatively, it's possible the courts, other branches of government, or institutions will surprise us and prevent the further deterioration of the checks and balances that barely held last time. These are awful times, but they're not hopeless. But they're bad enough I absolutely stand by that first sentence. This could be the last Christmas this country has as a free, democratic nation. If you don't think that's true, ...