
Showing posts with the label Card

In these trying times, let us all remember the true meaning of Black Friday

Black Friday tree, Black Friday tree Your advent's been foretold Black Friday tree, Black Friday tree Cast in an industrial mold. In foreign lands, you were made By workers who were underpaid Black Friday tree, Black Friday tree We bought you at a Walmart Black Friday tree, Black Friday tree Shipped over seas real fast Black Friday tree, Black Friday tree Not sure you're made to last With branches dark and details nice, You shelter us from retail price Black Friday tree, Black Friday tree We got you at a Walmart From our family to yours, we wish you a very merry Black Friday

Merry Fourth of July

May you get everything on your list. [Photo collage from Holiday 2015 Balsam Hill Catalog and July 2016 Toys'R'Us Catalog.]

Nerdtivity: Landing Bay

I know I'm repeating myself here , but since then I picked up a DS9 set, and I figured that would make a better space ship manger than the nativity scene I used last time. I was never really happy with that picture, anyway.

Nerdtivity: Family Resemblance

Sometimes, you look around and realize you have too many dragons NOT to build a nerdtivity out of them.

Nerdtivity: December 18, 2015

Yeah, we know you don't care about the holidays today, but we still have to stay focused. If you're interested, I saw The Force Awakens last night and reviewed it on The Middle Room . Be aware, there are a few spoilers.

Christmas Card: Together for the Holidays

Don't you love the holidays? The way Christmas can bring us altogether? That's the thought that inspired this photo. Well, that and a piece of fruitcake that feels like it's gnawing its way through my rib cage, about to burst out with my intestines dangling off like... like... Like tinsel on a freshly decorated Christmas tree. God, I love this time of year. This picture, like those Nerdtivities we did last year, hasn't been adjusted beyond a little cropping. All props were present, and a blacklight was used to create the effect. Of course, I had to take about a hundred different versions to get the one I wanted. Which actually has a few advantages - here's a little bonus Google generated automatically. "Look, Ma! I found an ornament!" Happy holidays, from your friends at Mainlining Christmas.

Nerdtivity: Ceramics

Tonight's Nerdtivity is meant to remind us that, whatever else they represent to people, Nativity figurines are fundamentally ceramic containers. And you never know what you'll find inside. Don't worry, though: as soon as Link leaves the room, I'm sure the guard will replace the figurines. In case anyone's wondering, all the Nerdtivity scenes we're posting were done without digital alteration beyond cropping and/or minor color correction. All objects were physically present at the time the image was taken (and yes, that includes the heart).

Nerdtivity: The Way of the Dead

I have to admit I'm breaking a self-imposed rule on this one. When I started, I planned not to re-use the same figure in the same role. But this is the second time I've had Skeletor stand in as a shepherd . I could have side-stepped this by swapping him out for one of the three kings, but all three of them are kings, while he's just an overlord. I decided technical accuracy was more important than arbitrary rules, so here you go.

Nerdtivity: The Animated Series

This Nerdtivity is intended as something of a tribute to the various animated incarnations of the DC Universe. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't something of a Nerdtivity of convenience, but it would have been criminal not to use the Super Best Friends Forever as the magi in at least one of these.

Nerdtivity: Oh There You Are, Perry

Here's a BONUS Nerdtivity for you. It's relatively straightforward, but at least now we know the answer to one of the Universe's greatest mysteries.

Nerdtivity: Melee

First of all, I'm pleased to report that our first Nerdtivity, Away Team in a Manger, has won the democratic portion of the Nerdtivity contest . Victory is ours! Today's Nerdtivity is inspired by my all-time favorite video game, Super Smash Bros. Melee. They should really include this level in the next version. In case anyone's wondering, all the Nerdtivity scenes we're posting were done without digital alteration beyond cropping and/or minor color correction. All objects were physically present at the time the image was taken. I know I said we were going to do one a day, but got a little carried away creating Nerdtivities and ran out of days to present them. To that end, we're adding three bonus Nerdtivities to tomorrow's schedule. Look for them throughout the day.

Nerdtivity: Child of No Father, Born to Save the World

For the last week and a half leading up to Christmas, we're posting a "Nerditivity" scene every night at midnight. I hope this photo speaks for itself. (Hint: one of the things it says is f*ck you, New 52.) In case anyone's wondering, all the Nerdtivity scenes we're posting were done without digital alteration beyond cropping and/or minor color correction. All objects were physically present at the time the image was taken.

Nerdtivity: I'd Ship It

For the last week and a half leading up to Christmas, we're posting a "Nerdtivity" scene every night at midnight. Tonight's picture features spacecraft* from six different geeky properties - go ahead and look. Five are pretty obvious, but I'll be impressed if you can spot the sixth. *Okay, so technically the Batwing isn't a spaceship. But it counts anyway, because Batman can breathe in space .

Nerdtivity: The OTHER Alien Christmas Special

We've been running "Nerdtivity" scenes every night. This one is for all of you who didn't get enough Ridley Scott holiday cheer from watching  Prometheus  (which would have been much improved with the special guests in the picture above, I might add). By the way, this is your LAST CHANCE to vote for our first Nerdtivity scene in the contest that inspired all this madness. You can view all the pictures and  vote for your favorite here . Once you've looked at the options, just scroll to the bottom and comment with the number for your pick. Our entry, Away Team in a Manger, is #26.

Nerdtivity: Mad Science Unleashed

Between now and Christmas, we'll be posting a "Nerdtivity" scene every night at midnight. Tonight's picture is a reminder of the dangers of science without constraint. By the way, the contest for best Nerdtivity has entered the "audience voting" phase. You can view all the pictures and  vote for your favorite here . Once you've looked at the options, just scroll to the bottom and comment with the number for your pick. Our entry, Away Team in a Manger, is #26.

Nerdtivity: He Bent for Your Sins

Between now and Christmas, we'll be posting a "Nerdtivity" scene every night at midnight. Tonight, we're presenting this portrayal of the construction of the robot Savior who kills for his own sins. Futurama fans will of course recognize this scene as being set in Mexico. By the way, the contest for best Nerdtivity has entered the "audience voting" phase. You can view all the pictures and  vote for your favorite here . Once you've looked at the options, just scroll to the bottom and comment with the number for your pick. Our entry, Away Team in a Manger, is #26.

Nerdtivity: Bat-Mite's Christmas Spectacular

Between now and Christmas, we'll be posting a "Nerdtivity" scene every night at midnight. Tonight, I'm posting a picture we're calling, "Bat-Mite's Christmas Spectacular." By the way, the contest for best Nerdtivity has entered the "audience voting" phase. You can view all the pictures and  vote for your favorite here . Once you've looked at the options, just scroll to the bottom and comment with the number for your pick. Our entry, Away Team in a Manger, is #26.

Nerdtivity: Christmas Cred

Between now and Christmas, we'll be posting a "Nerditivity" scene every night at midnight. Tonight's picture may be a little convoluted in theme, but Christmas has some special significance to all those present. By the way, the contest for best Nerdtivity has entered the "audience voting" phase. You can view all the pictures and vote for your favorite here . Once you've looked at the options, just scroll to the bottom and comment with the number for your pick. Our entry, Away Team in a Manger, is #26.

Nerdtivity: Away Team in a Manger

UPDATED : Voting is open on the Nerdtivity contest. Head over to this page , pick your favorite, then comment with the corresponding number. Our entry (same as the above image) is #26. Between now and Christmas, we'll be posting a "Nerditivity" scene every night at midnight. Don't think that means we'll be slacking on the rest of our Christmas duties, though - this is going to push to us to a minimum of four posts a day instead of three. Tonight, I'm presenting our entry to the " Kevin and Chuck Want You to Make a Nerdtivity Contest ", which is what inspired all this. Also, it added the word "Nerdtivity" to our lexicon, for which I'll be forever grateful. We're calling this one, "Away Team in a Manger," and I'll leave it to you to revisit the question, "Whose child is this?" In case anyone's wondering, all the Nerdtivity scenes we're posting were done without digital alteration beyond cropp...

A Special Black Friday Message from Mainlining Christmas

From all of us here at Mainlining Christmas, we'd like to wish you and your loved ones a Happy Black Friday. Remember who makes the season possible while you're macing a crowd of strangers tomorrow.