
Showing posts with the label Beneath the Tree

Beneath the Tree: Santa Kit

Turn yourself into a perfect facsimile of Santa Claus with this undersized hat and crappy, inflatable beard.

Beneath the Tree: Creatology Christmas Eve Foam Kit

Build your own 3D model of frustration with Creatology's Christmas Eve foam kit!

Beneath the Tree: Jolly in the John

Because who doesn't want a plastic snowman heckling them while they take a dump? Thanks, Hallmark.

Beneath the Tree: Cosmic Hat

Check out the "Cosmic Hat," a variation on the Santa hat for people who like annoying lights and sounds.

Beneath the Tree: Creatology Foam Deer Kit

What better way to celebrate the magic of Christmas than by mounting the severed head of Comet to your wall?

Arthur Christmas Plush Talking Santa (Toy Review)

I just posted another brief toy review (and I use that word in the loosest sense possible), this time for a plush Santa from the underrated holiday masterpiece, Arthur Christmas . Here it is, in case you're interested:

Forever Fun Peanuts and Frosty Figures (Video Toy Review)

There's a new video review of three miniature toys I picked up at Toys 'R Us:

Dollar Store Nativity Scene

What better way to celebrate Christmas than with a crappy statuette of the Nativity purchased at a dollar store?

Chantilly Lane Duets Musical Cats

I just posted a review of a Christmas novelty toy we found on clearance in a gift shop. Check it out now and enjoy repeats in your worst nightmares:

Mainlining Christmas Presents Beneath the Tree: Playmobil Saint Nicholas and Christmas Angel

Apparently we're doing video reviews now. Video! Here's a review of a Playmobil Saint Nicholas and Christmas Angel set.