Podcast Review: Household Name: Kentucky Fried Christmas (2018)
When I heard an ad for a podcast from Business Insider , I wasn't initially interested. Then the ad mentioned that there was an episode about the connection between KFC and Christmas in Japan, and I was immediately searching for the download button. Unfortunately, the episode didn't tell me much that I didn't already know, but the story was told well and the episode was overall a lot of fun. If you aren't interested in Japanese culture or the minutiae of the holiday, you might not know that Kentucky Fried Chicken is closely associated with Christmas in Japan. While that might seem strange to Americans at first, the surface-level reasons are those that you might come up with if pressed: Western holiday - Western food, chicken is close to the traditional (i.e., Dickensian) turkey, and Colonel Sanders bears a decent resemblance to Santa Claus. I was hoping for some deeper revelation or twist, but the reporter on the podcast says that's most of it, although how