Home for the Holidays (1972)
This 1972 TV suspense movie is mainly notable for two things: having a bizarrely impressive cast, and for being well ahead of the curve by delivering what's essentially a Christmas slasher before "slasher" even coalesced into a subgenre. This beat Black Christmas by two years, though it's worth acknowledging that being first is the only metric in which this could ever seriously be said to "beat" Black Christmas. Not that it's a fair comparison: Home for the Holidays was made for the ABC Movie of the Week series, not a theatrical release. Which of course raises the question of how much of a curve we should be grading this on. It's not bad for what it is, but "what it is" isn't exactly good. There's not much tension, it's not at all scary, and the characters aren't particularly entertaining outside of the novelty of seeing Sally Field, Eleanor Parker, Jessica Walter, and Julie Harris in a proto-slasher TV movie produced by A...